Truffle month 14 October to 20 November 2022

The Gotland Truffle Association and the Gotland Truffle Academy invite you to celebrate the Gotland truffle for a whole month. The truffle month run October 14 to November 20 with the big final the Gotland Truffle Festival on November 18-20.
During the Truffle month you can participate in truffle hunts (see more info), try truffle-after-work, eat truffle menus in restaurants, go on a hike with the taste of truffles (more info), learn how to make a truffle meal or together with your dog try to search for truffles together with a dog trainer. I you want to see some examples of recipes with truffle click here.
If you want to read more about the Gotland Truffle Festival, click here
Jessens Saluhall and Bar invite you to Truffle After Work every Friday during truffle month: More info about Jessens Saluhall & Bar
Värdshuset Lindgården offers a fantastic truffle gin in the Gin bar throughout truffle month. More info about Värdshuset Lindgården
Truffle menus & Truffle dishes

Skilled chefs prepare tasty truffle dishes! Take the opportunity to take a Gotland-tour:
Värdshuset Lindgården offers truffle menus throughout truffle month.
Gåsemora Gårdskrog spices to some of the dishes on the surprise menu with truffles.
Creperie & logi offers a vegetarian galette as well as one with prosciutto with homemade truffle tapenade.
Smakrike krog & logi in Ljugarn invites you to truffle dishes on Fridays and Saturdays until 12/11, also Trufflesafari on Saturdays during the truffle month until 12/11.
Truffle package on Fårö

Long weekend on Fårö. Stay Friday to Sunday at Stora Gåsemora with a surprise menu with an element of truffle at Gåsemora Gårdskrog on Saturday. Possibility to book dinner also on Friday. For more information click here.
The work during 2020 and 2021 to develop the Gotland Truffle Month has been supported by the Leader project New Truffle Experiences.